12 August 2000
- More bugs related to queue listing and firewall download have been fixed. Get the latest patch.
11 August 2000
- We got a few mails reporting port list loss problems. To handle the problem with concurrency, we have now switched to keeping the port list for firewall download in a database. The latest source code is now available as v1.0.1.
10 August 2000
- Another bug with firewall download was fixed. The free ports were not getting re-queued. Get the complete patch and replace the corresponding files.
- If you are running WebNap and want to increase the maximum number of firewall downloads, just add some free ports to the "freeport" file. We are using about 20 ports on our demo.
8 August 2000
- A small fix was made to the firewall download code. If you have your own copy of WebNap 1.0, get the updated webnap.inc.
- We have found a host for our new demo! The source for v1.0 will be available shortly.
31 July 2000
- Hey! We are almost ready with the next release of WebNap. It has some really cool features you've all been waiting for, including direct transfer to online lockers. The catch is that we will be needing a kick-ass web host to handle our GIGANTIC amount of traffic and so far we haven't found any company that can even comprehend our bandwidth demands. Please contact us if you are interested in hosting our website or if you know of any mega-bandwidth host! (hint: unmetered and unlimited with at least 40Gigs/mo.)
24 July 2000
- A new release will be ready for download very soon. New layout, more sort options, multi-user firewall download are some of the changes in the upcoming release.
- We also plan to move the demo to a site that allows firewall download. So people who can't run their own WebNap, hang on, cuz we'll soon run a fully-functional WebNap for you.
13 July 2000
- Added a script to get an up-to-date server list graciously provided by Napigator.
- This new feature is available in the latest release.
10 July 2000
- We lied. We released v0.9, since we plan to provide multi-user firewall download capability in the forthcoming v1.0 release.
- Get v0.9. It supports firewall download (single user), and allows you to browse a user's files.
8 July 2000
- v0.5 update: There was a typo with the "Get" button code. The form tag wasn't being closed (i.e., the code printed "</form") and hence depending on the type of browser, people were only able to download the last song in the results using the "Get" button. Code has been fixed. A new package is unavailable at this point, since we will be releasing v1.0 tonight.
- v1.0 slated for release tonight. Several enhancements and new features. Firewall download (limited capability) now available.
22 June 2000
- Released v0.5. Several changes to code and some new features. Search by speed and specify number of results. Get the latest source.
15 June 2000
- Released v0.4.1. Minor changes to layout (including alternate row colors). Added "new search" box on all pages.
9 June 2000
- Released v0.4. Now uses forms in addition to those pesky long
querystrings many people had problems with.
8 June 2000
- Released v0.3. See Changes and get the latest copy.
27 May 2000
- Ironically, we dont connect to any of the 'Napster' servers any more.
All the servers above are open servers.
- Download was broken after the move from idearing.com to sourceforge. The problem has been fixed. Get the latest version of download.php.
- Some people have mentioned that they get an "HTTP 404 Parameters not parseable error". See the fix below:
The problem seems to be with the way your version of Apache/PHP handles
long querystrings:
the song id is a:10:{s:5:"title";s:55:""C:\My Documents\Bjork - Atlantic
- Acid Etude Mix.mp3"";s:8:"filename";s:38:"Bjork - Atlantic - Acid Etude
After decode songid is a:10:{s:5:"title";s:55:""C:\My Documents\Bjork -
Atlantic - Acid Etude Mix.mp3"";s:8:"filename";s:38:"Bjork - Atlantic -
Acid Etude
after unser songinfo is
Title is
Filename is
Nick is
Checksum is
Size is
Bitrate is
Frequency is
Song length is
Connection speed is
Requesting file from server message:
reply from server:
message_type_fileinfo: 204 ; message_type_get_error:
206 ;
The server replied 404 parameters are unparsable
Download Error. Did not receive download ACK.
All Done!
If you look at the few fields (title, filename etc) after that chunk of
garbagey stuff you see they are blank, which means that the server/php
not parse the looong querystring that is passed to it. If you are
with php, you might want to muck around in the code and change song
to a form, instead of a querystring.
If you dont feel like doing that, well I'm going to do exactly that
webnap to use form instead of querystring - several folk seem to have had
the same problem as yours) and ill put it up asap. Meanwhile you might
want to upgrade to the latest version of apache and php.
26 May 2000
- Download has been disabled from our server to avoid copyright violations. Feel free to search.
- You should now use your own username and password(anything is fine) to login.
The Napter compatible servers (like opennap/mynapster etc dont seem to need
25 May 2000
- The script was broken wrt Napster Beta 6. We've fixed it.
Please download the new version (above) of searchmp3.php. Download.php
has also changed (see "Changes" below).
- Bewarned that if you get an error connecting to the
user to download the song, it probably means he/she is behind a
firewall (no firewall support in WebNap yet - a limitation of PHP. If
you know how to accept tcp connection in PHP please let us know. PHP
developers: Hint Hint)
- If you have trouble using the script above, it is probably because
more than one person is trying to use it simultaneously. Our machine is an
old PII-400 (well, maybe not so old), and it has limited resources. Please download
the two scripts to your own machine and try them out. Save this page for an example form to use with the
scripts. They should work out of the box, however, please fill in your own
username and password. We would appreciate hardware, or an account on a
fast server with high bandwidth.